Be Brave! You CAN Go Out of Your Comfort Zone

Barbara Bray
6 min readSep 22, 2023
Are you ready to move out of your comfort zone? It’s all about learning and growing and changing. When you learn something, you grow and change.
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When you push yourself to find yourself, you may be surprised by what you discover.

It is too easy to stay the same and not change. I went through a period where I was comfortable but not happy. I look back at my life and wonder why I continued doing something I didn’t want to do for so long when I wanted to be a teacher. I believed the wrong story. I stayed in a profession because my…



Barbara Bray

Story Weaver ~ Podcast host ~ Author “Define Your WHY” ~ Co-author 2 books on Making Learning Personal ~ Author "Grow Your Why" ~ New Podcast "Real Talk"